Monday, April 18, 2011

Update Week 3

My final ideas for this project are a giant map mixed with a few smaller posters and a transparent book. The map will be a poster roughly 4 feet by 4 feet in size showing all the locations downtown that many would enjoy visiting on a trip to Chicago. It will be a fairly detailed infographic poster but I'm still working on how to bring the whole thing together. Set off from the poster will be many smaller posters explaining names, prices, location, etc. of some of the places on the map. Basically, it'll be a ranking of each category (Food, Sports, Entertaiment, etc) and the various places you can find these attractions. Finally I would like to create a few books with transparent pages. The back page would be the overall map of Chicago and each transparent page would have the various categories them. With this, the viewer can flip through the book and understand the distance between destinations.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Project Proposal

My Idea:
Discussing the idea of living in Chicago with all the possibilities one has because of a big city atmosphere.

My Concept:
Using infographics as well as posters to help describe and show what things are attainable in Chicago. I want people to understand that anything is possible on a budget in a large city. I'd like to show what spots in entertainment, food, relaxation, etc are available and the short distance between all these places. I would like to create one giant map of the city that shows the context of all these places in relation to each other in terms of distance.
Weekly Timeline:
Week 2:
Research costs and destinations in the city
Week 3:
Start work on giant map of the city
Week 4:
Start documenting various locations in city and explain why they may seem appealing to many.
Week 5:
Write out an essay determining the easiness to get from one place to the next and the low cost. Also look into mass transit and work on other mini posters to complement the one large poster.
Week 6:
Final touches on large map.
Week 7:
Print all posters.
Week 8:
Go over final project and fix any mistakes.
Week 9:
Make necessary final changes.
Week 10: